Dear Readers,
I didn't realize that posting comments on this blog was a big problem, due to its being restricted to certain providers. I only became aware of it today when I spoke to my blogger friend Anil Netto. He's helped me to put posts on Wordpress instead, so comments can be more easily posted by any reader who has one.
I AM SO, SO, SORRY for preventing you from free speech. To make up for it, all previous posts have been exported to my Wordpress blog at My blog is still called, "Winking at Life" and I will continue 'winking' at you there, so you can 'wink' back.
Thanks so much for reading my blog and listening to my 'e-soap box' speeches. So, forward we go. Hopefully, see your comments soon, at Wordpress.
My Wordpress blog is still in process, as I need to familiarize myself with it. It is a little more complicated but will enable comment from readers more easily. So, in the meantime, I'm keeping this blog, that is relatively user friendly and less complicated. You may visit me at my new blogsite and try the comment facility, out of curiousity. Looking forward to talking to you in another room.
Wishing you a good day,
Jasmine Tea
20th December 2012
Dear Readers,
I informed you in the earlier post that I had opened another "Winking at Life" blog in Wordpress. To diffuse confusion, the URL of my current blog is "Winking at Life" at I decided to try 'renting a house' metaphorically, so have to do my own housekeeping at my dot com address. Visitors are definitely welcome! So, do continue to enjoy reading my posts.
For those who prefer to come to this "Winking at Life" URL, I will still be posting my thoughts for your reading pleasure from time to time.
Have a good day and may you always be blessed with peace of mind.
Jasmine Tea
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