Sunday, 7 October 2012

Journey of the Comet

Disaster is a leveller. When people of whatever origin, ethnic, cultural or religious background face common adversity, their differences are forgotten. That, is usually the case, but there may be exceptions in certain situations. There are amongst us (the human race), all kinds of characters; some are opportunists, some revert to saving themselves whilst others may emerge as leaders, and still many more, will decide who they think is right. My country is currently facing the metaphorical disaster of bad governance, rampant corruption and crime. Much of the system is like a maze where you often come to a dead-end. The current ruling administration desparately tries to pull rabbits out of a hat to appease the growing rumbles of a dissatisfied population. These illusionist acts are costing us too much, driving up our national debt well over 50%. 

But, over the past couple of years, a rapid and encouraging change has come over a portion of the population who appear to have found their wings. This started when we realized,by the end of 2007, that we were facing a common disaster and so made a firm decision to avert it, but only managed to effect a partial change in March 2008. Yes, it was the  "3/08 Tsunami'  in Malaysia, that amazed our neighbors and friends.

From this, we saw the rise of the Movement for Clean, Free and Fair Elections (Bersih), a coalition of civil society and human rights organizations including a national laureate writer, lawyers, academics and activists. This was the comet that swept through the night sky of our despondency and continues to light a path of hope towards, democracy, justice, peace and reason, out of this quagmire of empty promises and descent to degradation.

Just yesterday, the Lady and Man from the Comet appeared in our midst, they rallied us to join the journey of the Comet. As in ancient legends and folk tales, the ordinary folk's eyes opened in amazement and wonder at the message they brought - of togetherness, peace and hope for a better life, a better future, a new unity, where "we are different, yet we are the same..." (John Denver). 

By joining the journey of the Comet, we become the stars in its constellation, populating the nightsky and lending our light to others to navigate their ships to safe harbours. So, come, let us go to light up the nightsky in the trail of the Comet. Let us protect this small and bright light following the path of the Comet in the hope of overcoming the Darkness for good, one day.        


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